Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news.
Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks.
Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ
Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches.
Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly,
and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through
The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments.
"I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell.
Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez.
Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today.
Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry.
Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing st
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