Upgrade from essential (asia)

The new plus plan just go online in asia an hour ago. I’ll explain how to upgrade to extra/deluxe if you already had a ps plus.

If you want to upgrade to extra/deluxe, you have to upgrade all the rest of your days left. You cannot just upgrade 3m or 1y.

Upgrade price is calculated by monthly subscription, not annually. For example, If you had 365 days left for plus, you will have to pay appx 5*12=60$ to upgrade, not 99.99-59.99=40$ (please see update)

For a poor guys who subscribed plus to 2031/7/12, 3342 days left, the system shows he need to pay NT$12729(430$) to upgrade to deluxe plan.
Someone said it may not be true the price is calculated by monthly.
The actual number is that you have to pay original price to upgrade.
For example, If you purchased 1 year plus for 25%off, which is $45.
To update to extra plan, you need to pay 100 - 45 = 55$, not 100-60=40$